I feel truly humbled and blessed to share with you all – Few of the rewards and recognitions my work has earned through this creative journey.

cz It’s said – Happiness shared is happiness doubled right!

Pink lady food photographer of the year 2021

  • 3rd place under Food Influencer category
  • Finalist under Claire Aho Award for Women Photographers
  • Shortlisted under World Food Programme Food for Life category

Pink lady food photographer of the year 2022

Two images shortlisted under World Food Programme Food for Life category

Cover featured on Better Photography

Image cover featured on Better Photography – One of South Asia’s leading photography magazines.

Podcast Interview

I had the honour of being interviewed by Kimberly Espinel over her Eat Capture Share Podcast where we get on a heartwarming conversation on – How to create authentic work as a food photographer.

Want to pursue food photography not just as a passion but to thrive as a professional, stand out from the crowd and win awards and accolades ?

Then my food photography course might just be for you!

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